Me, You, Us, Feeling Our Way through the Lower Right Brain

The Lower Right Brain - Cooperator

Lower Right Brain? How many brains do you have - one or two or even more? Actually, this is quite easy to have only one brain. However, the cerebral hemispheres are divided right down the middle into a right hemisphere and a left hemisphere. And then you can divide each hemisphere into quadrants as well. So this will give you and Top left, Lower left, Top right and Lower right quadrants.

This is so exciting because it means that we can define our brain functions much clearer! We can provide for their needs and decide to use them specifically. Wow!

left and right brain hemispheres

Each hemisphere and each quadrant appears to be specialized for some behaviours. The hemispheres communicate with each other through a thick band of 200-250 million nerve fibers called the corpus callosum.

corpus calossum


Are you right-handed or left-handed? As you probably know, most people (about 90% of the population) are right-handed - they prefer to use their right hand to write, eat and throw a ball. It is interesting to note that if we use our right hand to write, we cross over to the left hemisphere where writing skills are located. However, it is the right side of the brain which provides us with the emotional content and understanding which underlies writing.

Muscle Control across

The right side of the brain controls muscles on the left side of the body and the left side of the brain controls muscles on the right side of the body.

Also, in general, sensory information from the left side of the body crosses over to the right side of the brain and information from the right side of the body crosses over to the left side of the brain. Therefore, damage to one side of the brain will affect the opposite side of the body.

The Lower Right Brain

It's the lower right brain that gives us that sense of being connected to one another. It's called the relational right brain for a good reason. From PET scans and neuro-imaging technology, we have learned that the right brain regulates or influences many aspects of our behaviour.

Those things often have to do with our relations and connections with others:

• Emotion,

• Trust,

• Self-awareness,

• Empathy,

• Identification with others,

• Non-conscious communication,

• Attachment,

• Facts experienced in an emotional way,

• Sympathy, & intuition concerning people

• Interaction - both humans and animals,

• Uses non-verbal communication (body language, facial expressions)

• Problem solving is often an interactive, emotional process

interpersonal relations

Lower Right Brain DESCRIPTORS:

• Musical

• Spiritual

• Talkative

• Symbolic

• Emotional

• Intuitive (Regarding people)

• Risk-taker

• Flexible

• Humane

• Kinaesthetic (bodily sensations)

• Excitable

Lower Right Brain SKILLS

• Expressing ideas

• Interpersonal

• Writing (correspondence)

• Teaching

• Training

• Listening and sharing ideas

• Recalls faces

• Understands body language

right brain humour

Multiple Intelligences: Interpersonal Intelligence - observe the close correlation

Lower Right Brain RESPONDS to:

• Experiential opportunities

• Sensory movement

• Music

• People orientated case discussions

• Group interaction

• Demonstrations

• Visual presentations

• Graphs, diagrams

• Colour, shapes and Patterns

• Texture

• Enthusiasm

• Vibes

Lower Right Brain LANGUAGE Use:

• ‘we work as a team’

• ‘we’re a family’

• ‘let us ...’

• ‘human values’

• ‘personal growth’

• ‘let’s be flexible’

• ‘team development’

• ‘fantastic’

• ‘I sense that...’

• ‘I feel ...’

Derogatory phrases used by others:

• ‘bleeding heart’; • ‘talk, talk, talk’; • ‘touchy-feely’; • ‘a push over’; • ‘soft touch’; • ‘reckless’; • ‘softy’

lower right brain relationships

Lower Right Brain CAREERS:

• Psychologist • Member Of The Clergy • Teacher • Therapist • Counsellor • Theologian • Entrepreneur • Career Coach • Facilitator • Social Worker • Hairdresser • Mentor • Travel Agent • Public Relations Officer • Nurse • Anthropologist • Sociologist • Beauty Consultant • Personnel Worker • Entertainer • Singer • Music Teacher • Party Planner • Disc Jockey • Musician • Talk Show Host • Media Consultant • Radio / TV Presenter • Piano Tuner • Acoustic Engineer • Voice Coach • Medical Practitioner • Botanist • Animal Communicator

Compare this with Multiple Intelligences

Lower right brain

Learning /Teaching / Facilitation Strategies


• Listening & sharing ideas

• Integrating experiences with self

• Moving & feeling

• Harmonising with the content

• Emotional involvement

right brain - group learning


• Experiential opportunities

• Sensory movement

• Music

• People oriented case discussions

• Group interaction

Compare the learning needs from the Top Left Brain

Understand the facilitation and learning requirements from the Lower left Barin

Top Right Brain facilitation is a REAL skill! Check it out. Gaining our inspiration from the top right quadrant of our brain opens the world up with new ideas to be analyzed from the top left quadrant. Now we are ready to interact with others around this idea and then implement it practically. And there you have it - we are wholebrained!

Also Explore your thinking skills as termed in Multiple Intelligences

Expand your knowledge about the brain

Gain insight in how the brain works holistically

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