Art - An Expander of Our Consciousness
Inspirational art grows and deepens your consciousness.
Every time you look at something beautiful and feel joy, admiration, inspiration and simply the goodness of life, your energy grows and your aura reflects the joy you are feeling.
Let the creations on these pages move you, touch you deeply, inspire you and most importantly, may it give you joy and pleasure!
Let's Celebrate This!
Janaka Stagnaro

About the Artist and the Artwork
"It was not until hiking alone in Nepal, after a few years living in Africa with the Peace Corps, that I lost my identity with my mind. I was felled with a Mighty Sroke of Love. I became absorbed by this Loving Force. When it passed nothing mattered more than regaining that state. I now had a purpose--to BE THAT.
Eventually my path led me to many countries and to many teachers. Yet I must say that A Course in Miracles and connecting with the Christ, then to the teachings of Ramana Maharshi, have helped me to go or become aware of that State beyond the mind. Then, years later, Rudolf Steiner's teachings of Anthroposophy and becoming a Waldorf teacher assisted in integrating my Awareness into the world of forms.
Today, after over 20 years of a conscious Process, I think I may say that I am feeling at home in the world and that I no longer am running from it. I find much joy in working on this amazing planet, bringing some good to it, and reveling in playing at the arts and finding pleasure in seeking the Truth. Not out of making me someone more worthy, but out of freedom, because all this is what my Soul wants me to do.
If I must define myself, I must say that I am a Divine Being, due to my Intrinsic Nature in God, working at the art of becoming a Human Being, with all the struggles that entails.
Before I began meditation, I had this mental tape that I was not an artist. And only artists did artwork. However, as I began to watch my thoughts and come to that Awareness that is beyond all definitions and judgments, I became free to explore and experiment. Like my writing, my art seeks to bring about a peaceful sense of mind for the viewer and to activate one's spiritual imagination. Most of the images in my paintings arise out of playing with colors and being in a receptive state. Out of the formless comes form.
Buddha at the roots
Ruins on a Loch
Nothing is impossible
Ensouling the World
Silence Under The Moon
Watching Forth
In the Cave of the Ancestors
This artist's work can be viewed and experienced here...
Janaka Stangaro
If you are an artist and would like to inspire with your work please visit
our ART page and contact me
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