Use Ho'oponopono to heal yourself

Self-healing is the greatest tool to healing your world and all its issues!

How to Heal Yourself (or anyone else) and Discover Health, Wealth and Happiness
Here are two ho'oponopono proven ways to heal yourself(or anyone else) of anything you notice. Remember that what you see in another is also in you, so all healing is self-healing.
No one else has to do these processes but you. The entire world is literally in your hands.
First, this is the prayer Morrnah (the creator of this process) said to help heal hundreds if not thousands of people. It's simple but powerful:
"Divine creator, father, mother, son as one ... If I, my family, relatives and ancestors have offended you, your family, relatives and ancestors in thoughts, words, deeds and actions from the beginning of our creation to the present, we ask your forgiveness ... Let this cleanse, purify, release, cut all the negative memories, blocks, energies and vibrations and transmute these unwanted energies to pure light ... And it is done."
Second, the way Dr. Hew Len likes to heal is to first say
"I'm sorry"
"Please forgive me."
You say this to acknowledge that something - without you knowing what it is - has gotten into your body/mind system. You have no idea how it got there. You don't need to know, either.
If you are overweight, you simply caught the program that is making you that way. By saying "I'm sorry," you are telling the Divine that you want forgiveness inside yourself for whatever brought it to you.
You're not asking the Divine to forgive you; you're asking the Divine to help you forgive yourself.
From there, you say
"I love you"
"Thank you."
The "I love you" transmutes the energy from stuck to flowing. It reconnects you to the Divine.

Since the zero state is one of pure love, and has zero limits, you are beginning to get to that state by expressing love.
When you follow that statement with "Thank you," you are expressing gratitude.
You are showing your faith that the issue will be resolved for the highest good of all concerned.
What happens next is up to the Divine.
You may be inspired to take action of some sort. Whatever it is, do it.
If you aren't sure about the action to take, use this same healing method on your confusion. When you are clear, you'll know what to do.
The above is a simplified version of the modernized ho'oponopono key methods of healing.

I want to let you know about a great FR*EE resource my friend and colleague, Mabel Katz, has just released to teach you the secrets to a happy and joy-filled life with Ho’oponopono.
This is a 4-part Free Ho'oponopono Basics Video Course Ho’oponopono Way, Understanding Ho'oponopono--The Easiest Way to Live The tools are immediate, and you can use them for the rest of your life.Mabel is a world’s foremost authority on the ancient Hawaiian art of Ho’oponopono. She teaches Ho’oponopono in a simplified, practical, and easy way that reminds you that peace starts within and that to “let go and let God” is The Easiest Way to Live. Many of her international followers have said she has changed their lives forever.
Mabel Katz’s passion is to awaken our consciousness so we can discover who we are and the power we possess to change our lives - without depending on anyone or anything outside of ourselves.
This Free Video Course is for anyone who wants an easier life with more joy. And it is for anyone who ever wished life to be a whole lot easier. The time is now to stop the struggle!
So, if you want to stop struggling, to feel more joy, and to find an easier way to live, watch the introductory video here and then sign up for the free video series.
Each video is short, fun, and inspiring, so relax, enjoy, and begin to understand how easy it can be - there is no way to make it hard. Learn valuable tools you can use NOW and for the rest of your life.
Check it out here. I know you will love it.
4 part FREE video Series by Mabel Katz
Peace begins with ME,
Judie Nel
P.S. Please leave your comments, questions, feedback, and aha’s under the video.
P.P.S. At the end of the 4-part Video series, Mabel will let you know how to receive bonuses just for having registered for and watched this Free Video Course.
For More Go to: Ho'oponopono - Self I-dentity
More about Ho'oponopono - Zero Limits
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