by harry
(wa perth)
I have a big bump on my skull(upper right part of the brain) and I dont know whether its dangerous or not.
I just want to know if that part is gone
Harry, I would urge you to seek the advice of a medical expert. However, If you could write this question on a website and press all the right buttons, it seems as if you are still fully present... :))
I would love to hear what the medical opinion on the bump on your head is. Do let me know.
By doing this clearing repeatedly, (use the Ho'oponopono principle for example to clear ascension-symptoms fast) you clear your emotional and energy bodies of the long held traumas, beliefs and fears, especicially the ones that are lying deeply buried in your subconscious, that have impeded your ability to experience all the joy you are capable of. Once the emotional body is cleared of an old pain or trauma, the physical body simultaneously clears itself of the equivalent of that block, your ascension-symptoms may go away for a while and it also clears all the patterns from the soul’s cellular memory.
Also, as these painful patterns are removed from the soul record, the clearing recodes your DNA so it can hold more light, thus sustaining your new frequency and a state of increasing higher consciousness. As you hold this greater light and advanced genetic package in your bio-energy field, it enables others, through the principle of resonance, to vibrate at the increased frequency rate and activate their own inner potential and divine inheritance towards Ascension.
As emotional clearing is the main process and
emotional pain and imbalances are responsible for your states of
"dis-ease" you may experience illness or physical releases of pain
(ascension-symptoms) clearing from your body.